GATE Writing Programs
Our team of Perth Modern Alumni has researched through their own GATE experiences and achievements to devise two writing programs that aim to improve student writing at different intensities.

GATE Writing Class (2-4 Students) $45
These writing classes (60mins) are designed for GATE students aiming to improve their writing.
Students are provided weekly writing prompts and homework which will be submitted online before class so our Perth Modern tutors can provide detailed personalised feedback for the students to keep. The classes will focus on improving each student's weaknesses to help elevate their writing.
Send us a message through our contact number (0434 108 584) and we will organise a class for you as soon as possible.
Individual Writing Feedback $18/week
Our English Specialist tutors will send out a weekly writing prompt through email which students complete and send back to the tutors. The tutors will then provide detailed written feedback as well as personalised homework tasks to help students improve.